Buddyfight Neo Wiki
Welcome to the Buddyfight Neo Wiki!

This is our attempt at rebooting the franchise with some new and fresh ideas due to its unfortunate cancellation. We enjoyed Buddyfight in its prime around the time it began in early 2014, and as the years went by, that love grew even further. However, we noticed the inching amount of Power Creep and so, we decided to make some changes to freshen the experience and introduce new and fun concepts as well as focusing on a couple archetypes that deserved better in our eyes.

For starters, each flag is now going to act vastly different. They will all have different starting life totals, gauges, and hand sizes instead of the blanket 10 life, 2 gauge, and 6 hand cards. This is to reinforce the strengths and weaknesses of each world as well as offer different play styles to these worlds.

As well, Buddy Monsters will hold much more significance and play much more of an active role in the gameplay. Buddy Monsters will function similarly to Commanders from MtG or Deck Masters from Yu-Gi-Oh, having special abilities that can be activated in the buddy zone called "Buddy Skills". These serve to fit an archetype, and range from once per game abilities meant to swing a situation in your favor, to continuous abilities that can alter a fight from the start. Common monsters have a generic Buddy Skill that's the default for each monster of that world, while Buddy Monsters have special Buddy Skills that are unique to them, yet not inherently stronger on a base level.

Other than those changes, some decks have actually changed worlds since Buddyfight, such as Folktale moving into Legend World instead of Dungeon World.

As well, we have some interesting concepts for redesigns/reworks of older attributes to heighten their thematics and identity on their own, while also trying not the divide the world's too much into rigid deck building.

That's all for now, hope you enjoy your stay here, and dont be shy to give feedback!

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